Tag Archives: Tools
And – Action! (or what you can use olive oil for, as well)
So after describing to you guys how my beautiful new coffee machine is oh so great, I have to admit, I needed advice. Hence, what follows will be the conversations I am currently having with the guys at www.orphanespresso.com, who seem to be more into the machines than their makers…. the people at www.olympia-express.ch, the makers […]
Posted in gaumenfreuden, just recently, tech advice Also tagged Breakfast, cafe, espresso, hands on, olympia, tech advice Leave a comment
meals from the kettle
In Germany, I don’t have a microwave. So if i want something warm to eat but don’t reall feel like cooking, two of my favorite meals come from the kettle. My breakfast, and my late evening dinner. Give it up for……..savory oatmeal! It is hands down the best breakfast ever. To make it in Germany, […]
Posted in gaumenfreuden, just recently Also tagged Avocado, Breakfast, cooking, food, Oatmeal, Poached egg 1 Comment
How to get your iPhone unlocked – and make your own micro sim